Two of my all time favourite films are "THE DAM BUSTERS" and "THE BATTLE OF
BRITAIN, i can watch these 3 or 4 times a week..
Part of my liking for world war aircraft and ships etc comes from when Dad and i went
sailing, and when dad took us flying,, sometimes if we got chance we would go to the annual Finningley Aircraft weekend, where
there would be a fly over by THE RED ARROWS and with VULCAN
You couldn't count the ammount of visitors there were that many, and everyone was delighted
to see such wonderful aircraft, but when the VULANS passed overhead at a fairly low hieght, it
made the ground shack and you felt like your stomach was bubbling up inside.
Such an atmosphere could not be replaced,, you would have to be there to feel the whole thing. It was very good and
you always got comentary on what the planes did during the war so you could learn just by having a good time what each one
As well as caravanning and camiping while we were young we enjoyed the accordion and the
air shows, Ships and sailing in our own yatch. Traction Engine weekends and many more things like this, there used to be a
lot of different things to look forward to and plenty of lovely blue sea, Acres of green side and all the things i ever learned